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How to join artificial grass without the cut being noticeable

 If you are going to install your own artificial grass, you should know that one of the key steps for the final result to be appropriate is the way in which the pieces are joined so that the joints are not noticeable. In this way you will obtain an artificial grass with a homogeneous and natural appearance.

Previous considerations

Before proceeding to cut and place the artificial grass, it is important that you keep these tips in mind, to ensure that the different parts will be well joined:


– A clean cut is essential so that, when joining them, the pieces of grass fit together
good. When doing it, follow the stitches of the thread and cut between the space that
separates one from the other. Try to make as straight a cut as possible.


– The materials used for both cutting and gluing the pieces must
be of good quality. Therefore, make sure you have a blade cutter on hand.
fat and, whether you use glue or adhesive tape, check that they serve to
glue artificial grass.


– Do tests. Before joining the joints, place the different pieces on the
surface where you are going to install them to see how they will look.


– All strips of artificial grass must be placed in the same direction.


– Adjust the different pieces well to the elements in the place where you are going to install the artificial grass (drains, etc.) and clean up the ends.

Steps to join artificial grass

With the strips already cut and correctly measured, it is time to place them,
joining some pieces to the others. This is a very thorough procedure and is vitally important so that the artificial grass is as uniform as possible. Follow these steps to know how to do it:

1. Place the strips of grass next to each other, pointing towards each other
direction, leaving 0.5 cm between each other. If, at this point, you notice that you still
There is some leftover artificial grass, clean it up and remove it until the pieces adapt and fit perfectly together.

2. Place the self-adhesive tape in the space you had left between a strip and
another, with the protective plastic facing up. Remove it little by little, carefully, while joining the strips of grass, slightly lifting the
edges, so that the hairs do not get stuck to it.

3. Press lightly to make sure it sticks well.

If you have carried out this procedure carefully the final result will be a piece
homogeneous grass that will have the most natural appearance. And, of course, the joints should not be appreciated.


Another option for joining pieces of artificial grass is to use a special glue. This is usually done to reinforce it, when the grass is installed in places with a lot of traffic. In this case, you must place a joining band between the two pieces of artificial grass and spread the glue over it.


You can also choose not to glue the strips together and simply place them next to each other. The weight of the artificial grass as well as the furniture we put on it may be enough to keep it fixed to the ground (in not very large spaces).

What to do if you have installed artificial grass incorrectly

Perhaps, before reading this article, you have already installed your artificial grass and you are not happy with the result because the joints between the different strips are too noticeable. If this is your case, we give you some tips to hide it and improve the result:


– You can cut an additional strip of artificial grass and place it over the joint to try to hide it.


– You can also “comb” the grass fibers in such a way that they try to cover the area where the cut is visible.


In any case, it is always preferable to have a specialist technician carry out the installation of artificial grass, before having to resort to tricks and home remedies to try to solve a poorly executed installation. This way you will ensure that the final result is as expected.


A positive aspect of artificial grass is that it is not necessary to carry out any work for its installation. For this reason, it is an ideal option that adapts to all types of spaces and homes: patios, terraces, gardens… And, just as it is easily placed, it can be removed if at any time you decide to change the decoration. In addition, you can reuse it and condition it in another space, all advantages!


Have you decided to install it? Contact us and we will be happy to assist you! We carry out artificial grass installations in Murcia, Cartagena, Molina de Segura, Alcantarilla and the entire region

Bienestar en cada rincón, césped artificial para una vida sin complicaciones.


Autovía del Mediterráneo, km 7. Junto Centro Comercial
Nueva Condomina
30110 Murcia


Avda. Región de Murcia
Pol. Ind. Base 2000 30564 Lorquí, Murcia


C. Revuelta, 46
29688 Estepona, Málaga


Avda. Juventudes Musicales, 13
41015 Sevilla



Avda. Joan Martí, 3 AD200 Encamp, Andorra


Avda. del Dret de Manifestación, 98, 46600 Alzira, Valencia 670 527 812


Canary Islands Grass
C/ La Levadia 66 Caleta de FusteAntigua, 35610 Fuerteventura
658 258 782


Pol. Ind. Morea Sur, 31191 Beriain, Navarra
616 453 329


C/Alhambra 8, local 7, La Zenia Park, 03189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante  696 854 802


Gardin Espacio Exterior S.L. C/ Asturias 33, 41702, Dos Hermanas (Sevilla)
639 905 671

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